- #Logic pro 7 drum machine upgrade
- #Logic pro 7 drum machine full
- #Logic pro 7 drum machine pro
- #Logic pro 7 drum machine software
There's also a new Global Tracks display, which collects together various types of track that affect your entire project. Mostly these are helpful, but you can switch off this feature in preferences if it annoys you.
#Logic pro 7 drum machine software
Another improvement is that when you open a Logic software instrument, its icon now loads directly into the track.Īnother new feature in the interface that is immediately obvious is that helpful little parameter/info boxes pop up when you are editing to tell you things like the length and position of the item you're working on. Option-clicking on the icon in the Instrument Parameter Box allows you to directly input the number of the icon you wish to assign to that instrument, so if you know the icon number you want, this could speed things up a bit. It would be a nice gesture if Apple were to set up a part of the Logic community web site for users to create and exchange icons. They've added a few more pictorial icons, which I really like, but have also restyled the remaining MIDI instrument icons to the extent that it's very difficult to tell some of them apart. Some way to remove icons you don't intend to use from the list would be useful there's no way to do that in this version, but Apple are aware of the criticism and so may well change things in a future revision. Parameters that have plus and minus values now have plus and minus signs to go with them and so on, but one change I really don't like is that the panel of track icons has been replaced by a pull-down list only one icon wide and what seems like about three metres long, which makes selecting a new track icon extremely tedious. The new Global Tracks view collects together tracks that affect the entire song, such as the Marker and Chord tracks. On the plus side, the parameter boxes are now resizable in the horizontal plane and the channel strip fader no longer falls off the bottom of the screen if you have less than a 23-inch monitor or if you shrink the vertical height of the Arrange window. Furthermore, the text size in the Arrange window parameter boxes is very small and can't be changed, so although there are some strategical improvements to make operation less ambiguous, on my 20-inch Apple monitor at optimal resolution the text can be difficult to read. In fact some users (including some SOS Forum visitors) have commented that the interface now looks too dark and is more 'Windows-ish', which must be that last thing Apple want to hear! Personally, I'd have liked a bit more of the Fresh Aqua influence and a bit less Teutonic gloom. Most of the menus are clearer for the redesign, though everyone I've asked so far finds the overall look of the program a little more drab than they're used to, especially in the Audio Environment window, where the channel strips and background are almost the same shade of grey. The first change most users will encounter is the subtle but noticeable Apple restyling of the user interface and its menus. I don't want to go over old ground again, so if you're looking for the complete picture, it would be best to start by reading that preview.
#Logic pro 7 drum machine pro
Last month I presented a preview of Logic Pro 7, and having used it now for a few weeks, I feel able to delve a little deeper into some of its mysteries.
#Logic pro 7 drum machine full
Following last month's preview, here's the full low-down.
#Logic pro 7 drum machine upgrade
The new version 7 of Logic is a huge upgrade which sees the program assimilated even further into Apple's product range, and adds some intriguing new instruments and networking features.